Bewick’s Wren
This pretty fellow was taken at the Ridgefield NWR on Feb. 3, 2012. I used a Canon 7D, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO640, Canon 400mm f5.6L lens.
This pretty fellow was taken at the Ridgefield NWR on Feb. 3, 2012. I used a Canon 7D, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO640, Canon 400mm f5.6L lens.
I shot this photo at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge in Feb. 2010, using the Canon EOS40D, 1/1000, f7.1, 400mm, ISO400, Canon 100-400mm zoom lens.
1/200, f7.1, 400mm, ISO400, EOS 40D. Taken September 2009 at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. This wren had just picked up a snack.