Hi Friends! I’ve entered my Red-tailed Hawk landing shot into a photo contest on Facebook. The contest, unfortunately, is one of those where the number of “likes” determines the winner. I’m reaching out for votes and hoping you could spare a moment to go to the contest entry site and “like” my shot. This is the link to the entries. Once you are there, find my shot on the page and click Like. That’s all there is to it. Here is the shot that I entered so you can find it easily.
One ‘like’ per person. One like = one vote.
Thank you so much and I hope to be getting my next blog entry up relatively soon. I am committed and happy to be taking care of my wife, who has had foot surgery, as she cannot get around on her own very well yet. So I have had to put off shooting for the last couple of weeks. Once she gets better, I’ll be back behind the camera and on my computer more. It’s tough to see a person I love in pain. She is my top priority so I am working hard to try to help her to heal.
Thanks Everyone!
Hi Dennis,
Beautiful photograph! Is it alright with you if I use it as reference for a hawk that I want to include in an oil painting I’m creating? If the answer is yes, a higher resolution image would be helpful. If it’s not OK I understand.
-All the best, Kyla.