My Aug. 11, 2015, trip to the Ridgefield NWR, netted me (recently posted) shots of an adult female Yellowthroat, a male fledgling Yellowthroat, a fledgling Song Sparrow, a fledgling Lincoln’s Sparrow, a fledgling male House Finch, and for today’s shot, a fledgling female Yellowthroat (probably the male’s sibling). All of these were shot from the exact same spot on the refuge auto tour–the 3 yellowthroats and the Lincoln’s around 8 am, then the Song Sparrow and Finch around 11 am. Today’s immature female Yellowthroat differs from the male by its more drab coloring, especially the less-bright yellow throat. And, there is no beginnings of a black mask over the eyes as we see with the male. Nevertheless, she’s a beauty.
Canon 7D Mark II, 1/1600, f4, ISO 400, 500mm, 8:44 a.m.