On May 12 I posted this bird doing a wing flap. Here, the bird is just taking it easy as the sun gets ready to go down. Ridgefield NWR, May 11, 2016.
Canon 7D Mark II, 1/1600, f6.3, ISO 400, 700mm, 6:23 p.m.
Posted in Ducks, Grebes, Cormorants, Swans, etc.
On May 12 I posted this bird doing a wing flap. Here, the bird is just taking it easy as the sun gets ready to go down. Ridgefield NWR, May 11, 2016.
Canon 7D Mark II, 1/1600, f6.3, ISO 400, 700mm, 6:23 p.m.
On May 12 I posted this bird doing a wing flap. Here, the bird is just taking it easy as the sun gets ready to go down. Ridgefield NWR, May 11, 2016.
Canon 7D Mark II, 1/1600, f6.3, ISO 400, 700mm, 6:23 p.m.