One of the first viable shot opportunities for me May 6, 2016, at the Ridgefield NWR was this immature Sandhill Crane. Not only did the bird’s coloring tell me it was immature but the fact that it was only 120 feet off the road and and moving closer to the road (towards me) as it foraged in the grass. (Most adult cranes flush when you drive within 200 feet of them). Two O’clock in the afternoon on a sunny day is not the best time to be taking photos of wildlife since the sun is directly overhead and can cast unsightly shadows onto the subject among other problems. Here I waited for the bird to get into a position where it was back lit and the shadows could be minimized. While still not the best light, I was happy I got something. (I did continue shooting until sundown, 8pm, which was the primary light I came to experience today.)
It concerned me that the young bird appeared to be alone so I’m hoping there were other cranes out in the grass that this bird belonged to and out of my sight.
Canon 7D Mark II, 1/1250, f4, ISO 400, 500mm, 1:47 p.m.