It was a really nice day weather-wise at the Ridgefield NWR today, Nov. 9, 2015. There was an ‘odd’ American Kestrel there between markers #11 & 13 that would perch on all natural perches (can you imagine that?) along the side of the road as I slowly approached in my truck–always taking off to fly to a teasel, cattail, small tree, or bush close to the road. The bird was still skittish like most Kestrels. She rarely let me get closer than about a hundred feet. This shot is of her on a cattail.
UPDATE 17Dec2015: I was happy to learn today that this image was chosen as the grand prize winner of the National Wildlife Refuge Association’s 2015 photo contest. Of the many contests I have entered, this is only my 2nd grand prize win, so I am a happy camper. And I thank that kestrel for landing on that cattail at that moment!
5D Mark III, 1/1250, f4, ISO 1250, 500mm, 9:37 a.m.