I was photographing some ducks in this small wooded area of the Ridgefield NWR, Jan. 11, 2013, when this immature Bald Eagle brought its fresh kill (an American Coot) to a branch almost directly overhead where I was parked in my truck. The sky behind the bird was bright and the light on my side of the bird was lacking. I cranked the ISO up and fired away. No crop. Canon 5D Mark III, 1/640, f5.6, ISO 3200, Canon 400mm f5.6L lens. No flash.
When I post my blog entry for 1/11, I’ll include some additional shots of this scene and a video or two. While these types of shots can be a little ‘vivid’ for some, the photos are of an authentic, natural occurrence, and fit with my wildlife photography philosophy. This particular image is one of the least ‘gory’ poses of the action.