I went back to the Osprey nest and discovered that the adults were behaving much differently, as in not spending time incubating eggs. Instead, they were off to the side of the nest feeding fish to the chicks–chicks that I could not see from my vantage point. This shot depicts the male coming in with a meal for the youngsters. Luckily, there were some clouds in the sky to diffuse the bright sun coming from the top left, making harsh shadows a non-issue. Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1600, f5, ISO 400, 500mm. Taken at the Port of Ridgefield–not on national refuge land.
A larger view can be seen at my Flickr site.
A wonderful moment. Great image Dennis.
Thanks, Bruce!
Wonderful! I love this. I didn’t know they had a nest there.
Hi, Sue, when you say “there” I assume you mean at the Ridgefield NWR. This nest is actually near downtown Ridgefield and is not on refuge land. I actually neglected to give the location in my post but I will update it to say the Port of Ridgefield. Thanks for the nice comment!
I LOVE your photography! It just keeps getting better and better and better! AMAZING photograph of the feathers spread so wide! Love the tail feather spread so wide like a fan! And the detail of COLOR of the fish is soooo cool! The massive talons and beautiful eyes!
Thanks Dennis for brightening my day with beautiful photographs!!!
Christy, you are so kind with your comments. And letting me know the details of what you like about the shot is very informative and helpful to me. I appreciate that you take the time to notice the details—details that I work so hard to get. Thanks for being a viewer of my site and for commenting!