It’s Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2015, 11:09 a.m.. My location: Ridgefield NWR, River ‘S’ Unit, southwest Washington state. I’m in my vehicle on a gravel road, alone, out in the middle of nowhere, searching for unpredictable and dangerous wildlife to take pictures of. (This is dangerous work). I’m driving by this dreadful looking field where scary voles and mice are just waiting for any creatures, including humans, to merely step out onto the grass where the rodents then attack in groups to bring down their prey. Knowing this, I wisely stay in my truck and take pictures when the one and only creature that the rodents fear arrives–the Giant Predator Killer Wren! Its claws are lethal and its tail sticks straight up to make it appear smaller than it really is. It drops down out of the sky from seemingly nowhere. Its talons easily pierce the flesh of the most hardened rodent! By last count, there is only one of these winged creatures in existence at Ridgefield, and I found it! Lifer for sure!
Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1600, f4, ISO 800, 500mm, 11:09 a.m.
WoW! Congrats!! So cool!
Thanks, Christy!