First of all, I want to wish my daughter, Kimi (of Kimberly Orth Photography), a wonderful birthday today. Our families had a wonderful lunch together to help her celebrate. The birds were singing outside the hospital window the day she was born and they did the same today.
But prior to lunch today (July 20, 2015), I heard all the birds at the Ridgefield NWR when I arrived there at 6 a.m. Observing everything from a couple hundred Great Egrets in one spot to a lone coyote way out in a field, it was a beautiful way to start the day. While the sun was still low in the sky, I stopped at a spot where I knew Common Yellowthroats hung out. Low and behold, what I think is a fledgling yellowthroat, popped out of the brush and onto a clear perch. [Looking for verification of this bird ID, please!] The image leans toward a heavy crop but I love the expression on its face. (I don’t consider myself to be a birder by any stretch of the imagination and identifying birds is a guessing game for me at times.)
Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1250, f4, ISO 1250, 500mm, abt 30-35 ft., 6:42 a.m.