A rare (for me) chance encounter with a Weasel at the Ridgefield NWR, April 11, 2017. As I was driving the gravel auto tour route at the refuge, this small animal darts across the road in front of me from left to right, with its tail straight up in the air. I do my best to keep my eye on him as he heads into some thick grass surrounding a rotted out stump. All the while I’m leaning over to the passenger side window trying to find the critter in the viewfinder. The weasel would stay in one spot only for a couple seconds then scurry off. After a minute or so, he climbed up on this mossy log and gave me a quick portrait pose. Thank you, Weasel! (This weasel is the smallest I have seen–not much bigger than a chipmunk).
Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1250, f4, ISO 1250, 500mm, 7:57 a.m.