Back for part two of my June 7 trip to Ridgefield NWR. I don’t think I’ll top part one, with the Lazuli Bunting, but still, I photographed some nice birds.
We’ll start off with a frequent resident at the refuge, a Savannah Sparrow, which many times makes it quite easy to get shots like this. They perch on posts and let you drive right up next to them (well, some of them do!).
I’m now between posts #5&6, and spot this pretty Mourning Dove.
Driving around the turn at post #9, there’s a White-breasted Nuthatch nest in a tree cavity. I pulled over and watched as both the male and female are busy bringing goodies to their young ones inside the tree cavity. Both of the following shots are of the female with the gray crown.
I also took some video of the parent birds as they brought food to their chicks. For those who may not know, the male has black on top of his head instead of gray.
I’m now driving out of the wooded area and see this Song Sparrow in the green grass.
I’m coming back around to start another loop, and at post #2, there is a juvenile Red-winged Blackbird hopping around on the snags at the surface of the water. His/her mom is also there catching bugs and goodies for the youngster. Here are some shots of the little one…he reminds me of J.R. Ewing.
While I’m at this location, a female Gadwall approaches not far from where the blackbirds are.
Between posts #3&4, I spot this little Marsh Wren in a leafy bush.
I again pass the area around post #6 and this time see a pair of Mourning Doves just hanging out on a branch. What a lovely couple!
This last shot was taken at the large tree on the left between posts #2&3. The Cedar Waxwing is always a welcome visitor to the refuge.
That about wraps it up for this installment of my wildlife photo shoot. I can’t wait to get back to the refuge to see what else I can find.
Great stuff last week, Daddy! Love it when you put video clips in your post…it’s even more like being there! It was cute that the song sparrow was looking right at you for his portrait. The mourning dove shots were beautiful and I LOVE the cedar waxwing! Nice finds! 🙂
Love the nuthatch video! Great collection of shots, as always!
Thank you Kimi and Jen! I appreciate your taking the time to stop by.
All great images as usual! I like the Doves the best.
Thank you, George! Sorry I missed your comment!