Nov. 29, 2013, was one of those cool, cloudy, and dark days that made shooting difficult. Wildlife activity, for photography purposes anyway, was also ‘slow.’ I think I broke my record for the least number of frames taken in a shooting day–49. All shots were taken with the Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1000, f4, ISO 1250, 500mm.
A Double-crested Cormorant pair seems to have made Ridgefield their temporary home lately. I’ve spotted them many times over recent weeks. [Click on the thumbnail for a larger view.]
And a Song Sparrow.
A very pretty duck, the Northern Pintail.
For those of you who use Photoshop and Lightroom and who own a commercial version of Photoshop CS3 or later, you can still get in on the $9.99/mo. deal with Adobe Creative Cloud’s Photography Program through February 28, 2014. As much as I use these two programs, this was a great deal for me. I just wanted to let you know that Adobe had extended the offer.
Thanks for stopping by! See you next time.