Oct. 23, 2013 – Ridgefield NWR – 24 Images

Home » Oct. 23, 2013 – Ridgefield NWR – 24 Images

Oct. 23, 2013 – Ridgefield NWR – 24 Images

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I guess I’ll call this 700mm day at Ridgefield!  That’s the set up I used to shoot all the images on today’s blog post.  Canon’s 500mm + Canon’s 1.4x III teleconverter.   These are shots from Oct. 23, 2013, another rare fall sunny day in the Pacific NW, after the fog lifted at about 10:30 a.m.  We had a string of sunny days this fall for some reason but next week it’s back to gray skies and showers.

 [Please click on these thumbnails once to enjoy a larger, more detailed view of the images.]

There were a gazillion of these spider webs with dew on them as I passed tall grasses and teasels.  Canon 5D Mark III, 1/800, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.   (10:15 a.m.)

_X5A4057-Edit20131023RNWR  spider web


This Pied-billed Grebe made a catch in the foggy waters between markers #9 & 10.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/800, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.   (10:33)

_X5A4072-Edit20131023RNWR  pied-billed grebe fish


Across the water between markers #11 & 12, I again spotted this tail-less raccoon just resting there on the bank.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1000, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.   (10:51)

_X5A4081-Edit20131023RNWR  raccoon


After rounding the corner at marker #12, I noticed some Western Meadowlarks on the same perch that an American Kestrel used for a photo back in August, just after getting the new lens.  This one didn’t come out as nice as the kestrel due to lighting and I’m a little soft on the focus.  But heck, I had to post since it’s Oregon’s state bird!   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1600, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (11:04)

_X5A4119-Edit20131023RNWR  western meadowlark


Suddenly, a female Northern Harrier does a fly-by.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1600, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.     (11:06)

_X5A4152-Edit20131023RNWR   northern harrier flight


Near the Ducks Unlimited sign, I spot a pretty Red-tailed Hawk resting and drying out.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (11:31)

_X5A4170-Edit20131023RNWR   red-tailed hawk


A calm Pied-billed Grebe relaxes in the water near marker #11.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (11:38)

_X5A4174-Edit20131023RNWR  pied-billed grebe


The Great Egrets were out today.  Here’s one of many shots I took of them.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/5000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (3:13 p.m.)


_X5A4239-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret flight


Some Cackling Geese fly overhead.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (3:32)

_X5A4262-Edit20131023RNWR  cackling welch


A Great Egret shot taken at relatively close range from near marker #11.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (3:34)

_X5A4264-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret


These next two Egret shots were part of a landing series as I was parked on the eastern edge of Rest Lake.  I was trying to shoot through grass as the birds were coming in for a landing way out on the lake.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (3:42)

_X5A4320-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret flight


The touchdown.

_X5A4323-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret flight


While I was shooting the egret, a few Sandhill Cranes flew overhead.  I’m seeing lots of these at the refuge but they are almost always way too far out in the fields to get a decent image.  The closest I’ve been able to get is when they fly close by.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (3:43)

_X5A4328-Edit20131023RNWR  sandhill crane


_X5A4337-Edit20131023RNWR  sandhill crane flight



_X5A4341-Edit20131023RNWR  sandhill crane


Again I turn my attention to way out on Rest Lake where the egret activity continues.  Interesting reflection here split by the different water texture.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (3:48)

_X5A4368-Edit20131023RNWR   great egret flight


Immediately after the above shot, up to three Northern Harriers were doing some kind of sky acrobatics.  Here are two of them.  Too bad they weren’t facing me.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (3:48)

_X5A4377-Edit20131023RNWR   northern harrier flight


This lovely Savannah Sparrow posed for me on a sticker bush.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (4:04)

_X5A4430-Edit20131023RNWR  savannah sparrow


I’m back around the loop just past marker #11 where the setting sun is behind me when I’m facing the water.   Here are some shots of Great Egrets.     Canon 5D Mark III, 1/5000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (4:39)

_X5A4453-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret



_X5A4456-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret


Canon 5D Mark III, 1/5000, f5.6, ISO 640, 700mm.     (4:43)

_X5A4465-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret


This is a full-frame shot (except for a bit cropped off on the left).

_X5A4494-Recovered20131023RNWR  great egret flight


Canon 5D Mark III, 1/8000, f5.6, ISO 640, 700mm.     (4:49)

_X5A4513-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret flight


And, a last shot of a Harrier as the sun was setting behind me.  Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1250, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.    (5:30)

_X5A4580-Edit20131023RNWR  northern harrier


While there wasn’t a huge variety of species today, I was pleased with my progress with getting used to my new lens with the 1.4X attached.  I’m really amazed at how well it can do with BIF shots, too.  Attaching either teleconverter slows the AF operation some but it still works well enough in most situations.

Thanks for stopping by and take care until the next time!


Posted in

I guess I’ll call this 700mm day at Ridgefield!  That’s the set up I used to shoot all the images on today’s blog post.  Canon’s 500mm + Canon’s 1.4x III teleconverter.   These are shots from Oct. 23, 2013, another rare fall sunny day in the Pacific NW, after the fog lifted at about 10:30 a.m.  We had a string of sunny days this fall for some reason but next week it’s back to gray skies and showers.

 [Please click on these thumbnails once to enjoy a larger, more detailed view of the images.]

There were a gazillion of these spider webs with dew on them as I passed tall grasses and teasels.  Canon 5D Mark III, 1/800, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.   (10:15 a.m.)

_X5A4057-Edit20131023RNWR  spider web


This Pied-billed Grebe made a catch in the foggy waters between markers #9 & 10.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/800, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.   (10:33)

_X5A4072-Edit20131023RNWR  pied-billed grebe fish


Across the water between markers #11 & 12, I again spotted this tail-less raccoon just resting there on the bank.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1000, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.   (10:51)

_X5A4081-Edit20131023RNWR  raccoon


After rounding the corner at marker #12, I noticed some Western Meadowlarks on the same perch that an American Kestrel used for a photo back in August, just after getting the new lens.  This one didn’t come out as nice as the kestrel due to lighting and I’m a little soft on the focus.  But heck, I had to post since it’s Oregon’s state bird!   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1600, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (11:04)

_X5A4119-Edit20131023RNWR  western meadowlark


Suddenly, a female Northern Harrier does a fly-by.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1600, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.     (11:06)

_X5A4152-Edit20131023RNWR   northern harrier flight


Near the Ducks Unlimited sign, I spot a pretty Red-tailed Hawk resting and drying out.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (11:31)

_X5A4170-Edit20131023RNWR   red-tailed hawk


A calm Pied-billed Grebe relaxes in the water near marker #11.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (11:38)

_X5A4174-Edit20131023RNWR  pied-billed grebe


The Great Egrets were out today.  Here’s one of many shots I took of them.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/5000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (3:13 p.m.)


_X5A4239-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret flight


Some Cackling Geese fly overhead.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (3:32)

_X5A4262-Edit20131023RNWR  cackling welch


A Great Egret shot taken at relatively close range from near marker #11.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (3:34)

_X5A4264-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret


These next two Egret shots were part of a landing series as I was parked on the eastern edge of Rest Lake.  I was trying to shoot through grass as the birds were coming in for a landing way out on the lake.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (3:42)

_X5A4320-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret flight


The touchdown.

_X5A4323-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret flight


While I was shooting the egret, a few Sandhill Cranes flew overhead.  I’m seeing lots of these at the refuge but they are almost always way too far out in the fields to get a decent image.  The closest I’ve been able to get is when they fly close by.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (3:43)

_X5A4328-Edit20131023RNWR  sandhill crane


_X5A4337-Edit20131023RNWR  sandhill crane flight



_X5A4341-Edit20131023RNWR  sandhill crane


Again I turn my attention to way out on Rest Lake where the egret activity continues.  Interesting reflection here split by the different water texture.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (3:48)

_X5A4368-Edit20131023RNWR   great egret flight


Immediately after the above shot, up to three Northern Harriers were doing some kind of sky acrobatics.  Here are two of them.  Too bad they weren’t facing me.   Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2500, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.    (3:48)

_X5A4377-Edit20131023RNWR   northern harrier flight


This lovely Savannah Sparrow posed for me on a sticker bush.    Canon 5D Mark III, 1/2000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (4:04)

_X5A4430-Edit20131023RNWR  savannah sparrow


I’m back around the loop just past marker #11 where the setting sun is behind me when I’m facing the water.   Here are some shots of Great Egrets.     Canon 5D Mark III, 1/5000, f5.6, ISO 800, 700mm.   (4:39)

_X5A4453-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret



_X5A4456-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret


Canon 5D Mark III, 1/5000, f5.6, ISO 640, 700mm.     (4:43)

_X5A4465-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret


This is a full-frame shot (except for a bit cropped off on the left).

_X5A4494-Recovered20131023RNWR  great egret flight


Canon 5D Mark III, 1/8000, f5.6, ISO 640, 700mm.     (4:49)

_X5A4513-Edit20131023RNWR  great egret flight


And, a last shot of a Harrier as the sun was setting behind me.  Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1250, f5.6, ISO 1600, 700mm.    (5:30)

_X5A4580-Edit20131023RNWR  northern harrier


While there wasn’t a huge variety of species today, I was pleased with my progress with getting used to my new lens with the 1.4X attached.  I’m really amazed at how well it can do with BIF shots, too.  Attaching either teleconverter slows the AF operation some but it still works well enough in most situations.

Thanks for stopping by and take care until the next time!


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My Gear:

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark IV & Grip
  • Canon EOS 7D Mark II
  • Canon EF 500mm f4L IS II
  • Canon EF 24-105mm f4L
  • Canon EF 50mm f1.8
  • Canon 1.4X III Extender
  • Canon 2x III Extender
  • Canon 580EX Flash
  • Zoom H1 Recorder
  • Better Beamer
  • Manfrotto tripod/monopod
  • Manfrotto Gimbal Head
  • Sandisk Compact Flash Cards
  • The Molar Bean Bag by Vertex
  • Joby Gorillapod Focus & Ballhead
  • Canon EG200 Backpack
  • Storm Jacket Camera Cover
  • Kinesis Safari Sack
  • Original Bug Shirt Elite Edition


  • Adobe Photoshop CC
  • Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic
  • Nik Color EFEX Pro 4
  • Nik Sharpener 3
  • Nik Dfine 2.0
  • Nik Viveza 2
  • Nik HDR Efex Pro 2
  • Nik Silver Efex Pro 2
  • Nik Analog Efex Pro