Nov. 9, 2015, was a pretty good day for me at the Ridgefield NWR, mainly because I stayed until sunset when the light is at its sweetest. This is my favorite time of year at Ridgefield (with short days) since I can arrive at the refuge at sun up and stay until sundown without having to stay 14+ hours. And, during the day at this time of year (at this location), the sun does not peak very high in the sky making the light less harsh and at a lower angle compared to summertime midday sun. Of course, there are many days when it’s cloudy which blows this whole scenario out of the water!
This shot was taken not too long before sunset. I actually spotted the bird in my side rear-view mirror as I was parked waiting for some fly-by’s. The Northern Harrier had caught a vole and was eating it on the post near marker #11.
Canon 5D Mark III, 1/1250, f4, ISO 640, 500mm, 4:05 p.m.